■Introducing WeWoWe
“One for all, all for one”
A platform for your friends to support your goals and dreams, and for you to support theirs.
Let your friends know what dreams and goals you would like to achieve and allow them to support you and help you.
Simultaneously, follow the dreams and goals others have that you would like to support.
"One for all, all for one”
"All for one, and one for all!"
■Current Functions
○Interaction in 5 languages (English, Chinese, Japanese, Spanish, French)
○Classify your dreams and goals by keywords and various topics that generate channels
○Select how frequently you'd like to report your progress
When the time has passed you will receive a reminder e-mail as well as your helpers and collaborators!
○Request collaboration from your friends
The system will remind those who are supporting your dream to follow up on your progress automatically. This will create a powerful network of support that will make it easier to ensure you are on track.
○My dreams
You can see and manage all of your goals and dreams at a glance.
○Become a helper of other users
If you would like to support someone's goals and dreams, simply look for the “To Be Helper!” button and click it!
○My tasks
Manage in one central location all of the goals and dreams you are supporting and helping others with!
○”Thanks!” & “I Achieved"
You can easily show your appreciation to others by clicking the "Thanks!" button when they support your dreams. Once you achieve your goal, let everyone know by clicking the “I Achieved” button.
○Report Progress on your goal
Under your original post for your goal or dream, find the “Write comment.." box and click right on it. You will be able to then write your progress on your dream.
Invite other friends to support your dreams or the dreams of others within the WeWoWe community.
○Visualize ”help" & “ be helped"data
When you help others and receive a thanks, the quantity of "help" you have given increases by one. WeWoWe also keeps track of the number of people you have received thanks from. Similarly, when you give thanks to others WeWoWe tracks how many people, and how many times, you have given thanks to.
■Why was WeWoWe created?
We always talk and think about cooperation and "give-and-take", but isn't it that this is the origin of our human nature in society? We would love to be able to match one by one people from all over the web and bring them together to get to know and support each others dreams. If someone from Japan says "I want to graduate from high school with good grades, so I will wake up at 5am each day and do my best!" someone from China or the US could respond by starting a conversation regarding this dream, its purpose and usefulness. "Why are you waking at 5am? What will you do then?" as such helping to clarify the dream's purpose. This person can also offer tips such as "I find that setting an alarm clock that plays music I love in the morning helps me wake up in a better mood!"
If someone from Spain says "I want to read this article, but it's in Arabic" then someone who knows both Spanish and Arabic could respond by translating the article into Spanish, not only helping this person but also anyone else who'd like to read the article in Spanish.
This is the future that we are envisioning here at WeWoWe. We are entering an era in which we can genuinely connect directly at the individual level, going cross organizations and countries, and communicate, help and understand each other. As this happens, we can see a reciprocal feeling of helping and being helped. Wouldn't it be beautiful to see everyone take a minute each day to share their support, good feeling and blessings with others?
Our service is still new and as such not completely developed, and reaching the day in which the above mentioned becomes reality may take some time. Nevertheless, we are certain that we can make it happen. We will continue working each day to improve WeWoWe so that step by step we can contribute towards reaching the day in which this becomes reality.